Customer reviews

We appreciate the experience gained together.
Our clinic is not small, therefore, computerisation is necessary for effective operations.
We had been searching for a suitable management system for quite some time before
we found Dental SERVE. This software is ideally suited for the peculiarities of our market.
After the system was up and running, we were able to fine-tune patient registration and
database, management and accounting. The system is easy to use, the information is
presented in a comprehensive and convenient way for all employees: receptionists,
specialists, managers and bosses. It is hard to imagine our company working without
Dental Serve after a few months of use.
Lina Tvarijonavičienė
Head of Odontology Clinic „Pilėnė“
The quality of clinic management became higher and communication with
patients became easier after we started using “Dental SERVE” management system. The
system helped reduce the burden of routine for the management, save time that can
be used to do other important tasks. One does not need much training to start using the
system, since it’s convenient and easy to grasp. Although we have only been working with
Dental SERVE for half a year, the developers of the system helped to improve and adapt
the program to the needs of our clinic in that time.
Marius Bučinskas
Head of Vilnius Odontology Clinic ,,Dantų harmonija“
The XXI century implores us to keep up with the latest technologies that allow
for a more effective and beneficial work organisation. “Dental SERVE” is without a doubt
a useful tool of customer relationship supervision, services, company administration
And modern management.
Alina Pūrienė
Doctor at Žalgiris Clinic of Vilnius University Hospital
We are very happy to have acquired the management system Beauty SERVE. The booking
process and interactions with clients of specialists and managers themselves became
much more simple. The system offers one a possibility to create and keep a client
database, which is a great opportunity to retain comprehensive data on each client, not
forget the reasons for their visit and the whole case history. This way we can get to know
each client better and offer them personalised services. Beauty SERVE system allows to
create and manage a discount system for VIP clients, it is also a great tool for bosses to
get reports. Beauty SERVE is a convenient, informative and, most importantly, easy to use
customer relationship management system.
Ligita Miškinienė
Head of sales and marketing of SPA and beauty centre network “Saulėja”
We have been using Dental SERVE at our clinic for almost two years now. It helps manage
the inflow of patients at the reception desk. Both the doctor and the receptionist can always
find all the necessary information, related to the planned visit. This network business
management system is cleverly fragmented by the function of each employee and the
scope of activity. The doctors’ job becomes easier too, since the filling in of medical card can
be trusted to assistants, the doctors save time that can then be used for case histories
of complex or atypical diseases. Effective time management is also aided by the fine-tuned
and flexible service pricing calculation system. From the perspective of an administrator,
“Dental SERVE” has a perfectly tuned analysis of work scope and quality. This business
management system allows for an easy work organisation for the whole clinic and a
pragmatic and effective distribution of tasks.
Algimantas - Antanas Šurna
Head of Kaunas Odontology Clinic DENTICIJA
The management of company expenses improved significantly after we started using the
Beauty SERVE system. There is no surplus of goods in the warehouse any more, just what’s
needed for working beauty masters. As a boss, I can control any planned jobs and work
loads for an upcoming period, and I can be sure that the beauty salon will operate
smoothly, company funds will not be frozen buying and storing unnecessary goods,
and the specialists will experience no shortage of product.
Viktoras Krupskis
Head of JSC “Grožio verslo centras”, beauty salon “Aidos studija”
Business management system Beauty SERVE helped us achieve maximum accuracy with
reservations, stock-taking in the warehouse. The clients are happy to receive reminders of
upcoming visits and we are happy to be able to plan out working hours effectively. It is
especially easy to keep up with the client’s history - which procedures were done and
when. It’s easy to create special offers for regular customers. This system lightened the
load on specialists and administrators, and allows us to save time and even paper, since
we don’t have to print most of the reports – the interested parties can see all the relevant
information on the screen.
Lina Vasiliauskienė
Head of Aesthetics Centre “Kosmedija”

Our clients

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